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Houdini Hangout - 02/26/2025 - Castle Wall HDA
Tonight we're going to create a castle wall HDA from some existing Polyhaven assets. It should be a fun way to see how someone tackles the logic needed for a system like this. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 02/19/2025 - Solaris Workflows and Q&A
Tonight we're going to look at some Solaris workflows, and take some of your questions about how Solaris works. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 02/05/2025 - Trypophobia Effect (Part 2)
Tonight we're going to continue to work to recreate some of the visuals that Andrej Troha made in his Trypophobia pieces on ArtStation. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 02/05/2025 - Trypophobia Effect (Part 1)
Tonight we're going to try to recreate some of the visuals that Andrej Troha made in his Trypophobia pieces on ArtStation. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 01/29/2025 - Pyro Workflows
Tonight we'll dive into some different uses of the Pyro Solver. We'll look at using a microsolver or two along the way. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 01/15/2025 - Solver SOP
Tonight we'll dive into how the Solver SOP. Matt Estela's CGWiki page will provide us some good examples of how this works. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 01/08/2025 - Live Q&A
Tonight we'll be kicking off the new year with a live Q&A. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 12/18/2024 - Procedural Christmas Tree
It's the holiday season, so tonight we're going to make a procedural Christmas Tree with the SideFX Labs tree tools. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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Houdini Hangout - 12/04/2024 - VEXember Challenge #1
Tonight we'll be trying to make the first VEXember challenge from The CGWiki Discord. As always, bring your questions and ideas!
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